BRAZ TESOL - Brazilian Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Founded in 1986, BRAZ-TESOL is Brazil's largest association of teachers of English to speakers of other languages. A not-for-profit organization with a membership of over 4,000 professionals, BRAZ-TESOL is an affiliate of TESOL International (US), IATEFL (UK) and a member of Southern Cone TESOL (Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay).
» BRAZ-TESOL aims to:
* foster and support research in the field of English teaching.
* support teacher development programs in all types of teaching institution in Brazil.
* promote studies in the area of English teaching and related fields, such as applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, use of technology and second language acquisition.
* establish and maintain contacts with similar associations in other countries, especially TESOL (US), IATEFL (UK) and Southern Cone TESOL, which brings together Brazil Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina.
* organize national and regional Conventions, meetings and seminars on topics related to the teaching of English in Brazil.
» Head office, BRAZ-TESOL has a remunerated executive secretary. The members of the Executive Board, the Advisory Council, Regional Chapters, and SIG committees are all volunteers, working for the good of the profession of ELT.
» BRAZ-TESOL national organization consists of:
- a national office based in São Paulo
- a National Executive Board
- an Advisory Council - whose members are elected to serve for two years
- Regional Chapters
- Special Interest Groups - SIGs
Members of the Board:
Conceição R. P. Rodrigues
Wagner Franco
Valter de Carvalho
Isaque Tavares

Isaque Tavares (secretary), Wagner Franco (vice-president), Conceição Rodrigues (president) and Valter de Carvalho (tresurer)
BRAZ-TESOL Rua Coronel Oscar Porto, 800 - Paraíso - São Paulo/SP - CEP 04003-004 PHONE/FAX 55 11 3559 8782 - braztesol@braztesol.org.br
.:. Copyright BRAZ-TESOL - 1986 / 2007 .:. All rights reserved .:. designed by Quorum .:.
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